Thumper™ Series Timed Impactor

Thumper™ Series Timed Impactors deliver powerful blows at controlled intervals, producing a sledge hammer effect without hopper damage or manual labor.

This pneumatic impactor is controlled by a timer, to deliver powerful industrial vibration to keep production flowing and reduce material buildups.

Features and Benefits:

  • Controls noise and prevents vessel damage
  • Handles heavy work load with limited air supply


  • Optional timers control the number of blows per minute

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on this product and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!


Brochure - Vibration Solutions Download
Tech Data Sheet - Thumper™ Series Timed Impactor Download
Operator Manual - Thumper™ Series Timed Impactor Download
Application Data Form - Flow Aid Solutions Download

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