By tracking down even the smallest misalignment with advanced laser technology, you can optimize efficiency and reduce excessive equipment wear.

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Because precise alignment is critical to the efficiency and performance of your conveyor system, when the equipment comes out of alignment, measurement tools have to be able to determine tolerances within fractions of inches. Even a tracking problem that’s only an eighth of an inch or smaller can cause excessive wear on the belt and other problems. Martin® Process Improvement professionals at Martin Engineering use the most advanced laser measurement technology to pinpoint problem areas in component alignment, and we offer this as a free service to all of our customers.

To accurately measure the alignment of stringers, pulleys, idlers and other components, our trained, experienced technicians use a laser that directs a beam of light up to 500 feet along the conveyor track, then measures variances against the beam and analyzes the alignment in three planes. Upon completion, the results of the assessment and any necessary corrections are outlined on a detailed report that is provided on site.

To learn more about the benefits and to find out if a free professional Martin® Laser Conveyor Survey is right for you, talk to one of our experts. We’re standing ready to listen to you describe your operation and offer recommendations on how to optimize your conveyor component alignment. Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on all of your bulk material handling questions and problems.

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While your problem seems unique and frustrating, with 70+ years of solving similar problems around the world, and with the most experienced and educated people on our teams, we can assure you that we’ve “Been There, Done That.” At least close enough to know what needs to be done next and adjust for your situation.

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Let Us Walk Your Belt and Save!

Save With Our Martin® Walk the Belt™ Service!

Every conveyor is different, even within the same facility! We can provide regularly-scheduled reviews of your bulk material handling system components, involving a specialized crew with the expertise necessary to achieve high operating standards, keeping the conveyor system running at maximum productivity. Immediate data and photos will be available to facility managers and our suggestions will ensure long-term savings and efficiency.

Get Your Belts Reviewed By People Who Know What They’re Looking At -- At No Charge!

Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety

Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.

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