Eliminate delays, shutdowns and waste so you can boost profitability!

When you’re pushing hard to keep up with the global demand for steel, you can’t allow unexpected shutdowns, equipment failure and runaway waste to slow you down. If you can’t maintain an efficient flow of raw material – including coal, iron ore, coke and limestone – production drops, along with revenues. At the same time, your costs go up due to unscheduled maintenance, inefficient energy use, safety issues and more, which squeezes profits from both sides.

Forty years ago, there were only eight countries capable of producing more than 10 million metric tons of steel per year. In 2014, there were 18 countries that produced that much steel, which means your competition can come from anywhere in the world. All it takes is a mistracked conveyor assembly or an accumulation of fugitive material to force you to shut down operations, especially on older conveyor equipment. Even fugitive dust can cause a plant shutdown for health and safety reasons.

Solving problems with durable, effective solutions.

The equipment we manufacture at Martin Engineering is designed to keep materials moving efficiently, quickly and safely throughout your plant. At every key point in the process, starting when the raw material is unloaded from the ship or railcar, our products help you maximize efficiency as material travels through a complex system of conveyors that connect sintering kilns and coke ovens to the blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace. We provide durable, effective solutions that clean conveyor belts thoroughly and eliminate carryback. Plus, our transfer point and flow aid products keep material moving through chutes and hoppers and prevent it from sticking to the interior walls of your kilns and silos. And we have the most effective solutions on the market for containing and filtering dust.

At Martin, we stand behind our products. We have steel customers all over the world who are using our products to keep materials and product moving every day! We want you to be as confident in our material handling products as our existing customers are, and that’s why we back our equipment with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Over seven decades, we’ve built a worldwide reputation for solving our customers’ problems in the steel industry. That means whatever your biggest challenge is, we’ve probably seen it before and already come up with a solution that works. So give us a call and let one of our highly experienced engineers apply their expertise to your business.

Increased Productivity
  • Keep downtime for conveyor belt maintenance and belt cleaning to a minimum
  • Move material more efficiently along conveyor systems
  • Reduce spillage and equipment damage by keeping conveyor belts aligned
Safer Plant Operation
  • Manage airborne dust and minimize the risk of explosion and inhalation
  • Prevent material from spilling off of moving conveyors
  • Protect steel workers from extreme temperatures and moving equipment
More Profit
  • Deliver more steel by maximizing overall throughput
  • Eliminate excessive downtime for maintenance and housekeeping
  • Reduce costs by minimizing waste and reducing energy consumption
Our Solutions For Your Biggest Challenges:
We Solved Their Problems!
Let us help you solve yours as well. All products and services provided by Martin Engineering carry our Absolutely No Excuses Guarantee. If we don't solve your problem, we will fully refund your money or provide a different solution for you. Period.
MartinPLUS® Maintenance Helps Steel Plant Overcome Regulatory Issues
A steel plant’s material handling conveyors suffered problems with dust and spillage. This fugitive material led to problems with neighbors and regulatory agencies. To resolve complaints from the nearby city of Vitoria, CST entered into a long-term contract with Martin Engineering's subsidiary in Brazil for the maintenance of its conveyor system.
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Air Cannons Eliminate Production Bottlenecks at Steel Production Plant
Rainy weather was causing buildup problems at a steel production plant. The material was accumulating on the walls of the hoppers causing a consistent production bottleneck. To knock down the buildup, the plant resorted to hitting the walls with tools. The frequency of the production stoppages were proving to be too costly - with high labor expenses, shortened refractory life and reduced hopper efficiency.
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Martin® Tracker™ Corrects Conveyor Belt Misalignment At Steel Complex
An integrated steel complex producing flat steel (steel slabs) and long steel for both domestic use and export was having a problem with belt misalignment on one of the main conveyors, causing spillage of coal along the sides of the belt. As a result, the conveyor had to be shut down regularly so employees could manually clean the area.
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Tracker™ Installation Corrects Spillage and Fugitive Material
India’s leading integrated steel producer was having a belt tracking problem at its sintering plant located in the southern part of the country. With a capacity of 14.3 million tons per annum (MTPA) of bulk material, the main conveyor belt was becoming misaligned, causing excessive spillage and piles of fugitive material.
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Industrial Vibrators And Air Cannons Clear Blockage In Hopper
A steel plant was having trouble with iron ore sticking to the walls of the hopper. The wet and slightly sticky material would accumulate in the hopper creating a blockage. Production couldn’t run smoothly and the plant had to hire people to continuously knock material off the wall of hopper to keep the flow of material running smoothly.
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Air Cannons Move Sticky Coal From Bins
To keep up with the steel mill’s around the clock, seven days-per-week schedule, the railcar dump must provide 3,000 tons of coal per day, every day. But the operation was at the mercy of the handling properties of the coal. Coal with higher moisture content, material density or size ranges would hang up on the walls of the receiving bin below the car dumper.
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Martin® Impact Cradles Boost Steel Production From 15% to 100%
As production increased at a steel production facility in Mexico, the existing impact cradles started to fail. After inspection, Martin® Impact Cradles were recommended due to the extreme operation conditions. Martin® Impact Cradles had been installed in the client's other mines so they were familiar with the product and knew these impact cradles would solve the problem.
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Conveyor Guards Improve Worker Safety
A plant had safety guards installed around the tail pulleys on some of its conveyors, fabricated with a heavy structural plate attached to the base of the conveyor frame. The main problem was their excessive weight and the difficulties encountered when they needed to be removed. This extended the time needed to service the pulleys and created a greater risk of injury or accident.
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Air Cannon Installation Results In 80% Fewer Stops For Cleanup
On the ship unloading conveyors at Arcelor Mittal in France, matter was accumulating along the belt and at the transfer points, which was reducing material flow. The client had to increase the number of stops to manually clean-up the material, generating fairly substantial additional costs.
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Martin® Belt Cleaner Makes Replacing Worn Blades Easier
Conveyors were equipped with belt cleaners with segmented carbide blades. The belt cleaners have not performed well. The site has had problems with carryback under the conveyor rollers causing offsets and blockages. Additionally, maintenance and service on the belt cleaners was very difficult.
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CleanScrape® Belt Cleaner improves plant efficiency and profitability
Martin Engineering replaces two belt cleaners with a single CleanScrape® Primary Cleaner at a steel plant and reduces material loss and improves their bottom line.
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Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety

Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.

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Train Your Personnel For Better Belt Conveyor Performance and Safety

Foundations Training workshops train your plant operating and maintenance personnel and engineers about belt conveyors  how they work and how to make them work better. From a Basic Introduction to belt conveyors and safety to an Advanced Training option for your skilled and experienced members, Martin will share our 70 years of experience and research with your team members. You can't afford not to educate your team with Martin!

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Let Us Walk Your Belt and Save!

Save With Our Martin® Walk the Belt™ Service!

Every conveyor is different, even within the same facility! We can provide regularly-scheduled reviews of your bulk material handling system components, involving a specialized crew with the expertise necessary to achieve high operating standards, keeping the conveyor system running at maximum productivity. Immediate data and photos will be available to facility managers and our suggestions will ensure long-term savings and efficiency.

Get Your Belts Reviewed By People Who Know What They’re Looking At -- At No Charge!
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We are so confident we can solve your problem, we're happy to prove it to you first! Ask us about a no-obligation free trial.
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Get A FREE Belt Alignment Assessment
Laser surveys pinpoint conveyor component misalignment problems. Our technicians correct and improve them to optimize your conveyor's performance.
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Silo Cleaning Application
Does your silo or storage vessel need to be cleaned? Complete our brief online application to get started today.
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